Being 1 in a million is hard enough.
And there are over 5 million podcasts available. As the industry has grown, indie podcasters have found themselves competing against major studios for the same audience, without the same resources. As a result, audio has become a less level playing field. Heard.FM is a curated experience, which means that only the shows that meet our quality standards are included on the platform. And our Independent Creator Program aims to help podcasters like you stand out amongst the ever growing crowd. Shows that are accepted into the program during pre-launch will receive additional benefits aimed at audience growth utilizing the unique features of Heard.FM.
Introducing Heard.FM
A curated listening experience.

Heard.FM is built to bring podcasters and podcast listeners together, and help you both find your perfect match. Because Heard.FM is the only podcast app with a quality standard for admission, listeners can be certain any show they are recommended is worth listening to. That means accepted podcasts have a seal of approval from our trusted Curation Team. Being one of those accepted few means that you’ll have access to features no other platform provides.

Specific and Clear Categories
General podcast apps also come with general category designations, which makes it hard for unique shows to find listeners interested in their specific topic. Heard.FM is broken into specific categories and sub-categories, and every show undergoes an on-boarding process that includes tagging categories that aren’t available elsewhere. That means discovery is clean, detailed, and easy for new listeners to find you.
Featured Playlists
Heard.FM is curated by a team of human beings: not robots. That means our featured playlists have a personal touch, and listeners can get specific recommendations based on moods, genres, and topics. It’s like a tasting menu, but for podcasts.

Highlight your cast & Crew
It’s hard enough to build an audience. But how do you stay connected with them when you make something new? Heard.FM allows you to highlight the people who make your show possible. Users can follow their favorites, so you never have to worry about reminding your listeners when you’ve released new content.
Interact with your listeners
…without ever having to convert them to your social media. Heard.FM offers direct in-app interaction with your listeners, so you can start conversations and build a community all in one place. And, watch as your listeners create a community around your show right on the platform.

Grow Your Audience
Qualified creators will be able to reach listeners with 30 second, targeted audio commercials. Reach listeners without having to become a social media expert. Just provide a preview of your show, and we’ll provide the direct call-to-action. Creators receive this benefit at no cost.
Ready to apply for the Independent Creator Program? Here’s what we’re looking for:
To be included on Heard.FM, podcasts must meet our quality standards. This means:
- Great sound quality. Please don’t record your podcast in a submarine with noisy neighbors. We’re looking for clean, listenable audio with no distractions in the background.
- Strong storytelling. Whether your podcast is fiction or non-fiction, listeners want to be taken on a journey. We’re looking for shows that will give our listeners new experiences, knowledge, or emotional journeys.
- Something unique. What does your podcast offer that the other 5 million don’t? What makes you deserve to be Heard?
Applications to join the Independent Creator Program must be received by September 30th, 2022. There are a limited number of spaces available. To apply, complete the form below.