Join Our Independent Podcaster Program

 In addition to our curation and featured placements, Heard.FM is looking for a select number of independent podcasts that will receive assisted audience growth and additional opportunities. We are now accepting applications for a limited number of remaining slots. Scroll down to learn more and apply.

Podcasting Started With Independent Productions

And that’s why we’re looking to highlight them. As the industry grows, indie podcasters have found themselves competing against major studios for the same audience without the same resources. As a result, audio is becoming a less level playing field. Heard.FM’s Independent Podcaster Program aims to help independent creators stand out amongst the ever growing crowd.

Shows that are accepted into the program during pre-launch will receive benefits that grow their listener base and utilize the unique features of Heard.FM’s platform.

Users Can Follow Your Show With One Click

Some of these benefits include: featured placements in recommendation playlists curated by Heard.FM’s human creation team (rather than an algorithm you have to learn to beat), click-to-follow display promotions for users to follow your show with one click, and thirty second audio commercials for your podcast. These commercials will play directly to users who fit each podcasts’ listener demographic, helping to bring new audience members to independent shows that may have never been reached elsewhere.

Grow and Connect with your Audience

Members of Heard.FM’s Independent Podcaster Program will also receive creator spotlights, and help utilizing our community features to not only grow your audience, but engage directly with them. We are accepting a limited number of shows for the program, and applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis, as we look for unique shows that will serve each audience member of Heard.FM.

Ready to Apply?

To be accepted into Heard.FM’s Independent Podcaster Program, podcasts must meet our quality standards:

  • Great sound quality.  We’re looking for clean, listenable audio with no distractions in the background.
  • Strong storytelling. Whether your podcast is fiction or non-fiction, listeners want to be taken on a journey. We’re looking for shows that will give our listeners new experiences, knowledge, and take them on emotional journeys.
  • Something unique. What does your podcast offer that the other 5 million don’t? What makes you deserve to be Heard?
  • Ad Free / Cross Promotion Free RSS Feed

To submit your application to the Independent Podcaster Program, complete the form below and our Curation Team will review your podcast.

By submitting this application, you agree to the Terms and Conditions